On Sun, 2024-11-24 at 16:57 +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> David Sumbler <da...@aeolia.co.uk> writes:
> > What I don't understand is why I need both the 8th-note and 16th-
> > note
> > entries.  The name "beamExceptions" implies that one only needs to
> > specify the exceptional beaming - but the 16th note version is
> > already
> > the default.  Is it the case that if any exception is described,
> > then
> > one has to describe all cases?
> No.
> >  If so, then the name beamExceptions is a bit misleading.
> > 
> > Also I don't quite understand the underlying rules which mean (I
> > assume) that defining the 16th-note beaming as above, covers bars
> > such
> > as | [8 16 16] [8 8] | and  | [16 8 16] [8. 16] |.
> > 
> Essentially the beam exceptions tell LilyPond that if a rhythmic
> structure has all the note ending points of a beaming exception, the
> exception applies.  I don't know how LilyPond decides that a given
> exception "applies even more", namely prioritizes them.  But there is
> something it does here.

I also note Timothy's useful comments re the Notation Reference, so
thank you both.  I'm still a little confused, though,,,

Is there any way to get Lilypond to distinguish between notes and
rests?  For instance, if I use the suggested form:

\set Timing.beamExceptions = \beamExceptions { 8[ 8 8 8] | 16[ 16 16
16] 16[ 16 16 16] }

then that achieves what I originally asked for, which is for the
beaming in a bar of quaver notes to be [c8 c8 c8 c8].  This is fine for
the piece I am currently setting.

But suppose I had some bars with rests - for instance | c8 c c r | r c
c c |.  With the new beamingExceptions setting, I find that these are
now beamed as | [c c c] r | and | r [c c c] |.  I would perhaps,
though, want them to appear as | [c c] c r | and | r c c[ c] | (i.e.
without a beam crossing the middle of the bar).

Is there a way to get this result with automatic beaming and still keep
my new [c c c c] beaming, or would it have to be done with manual

David Sumbler

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