On Thu 21 Nov 2024 at 18:09:35 (-0800), Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> Thanks, David.
> I think I finally found the answer in the manual (see attached screenshot).
> \set Timing.beamHalfMeasure = ##f
That's certainly more compact, but I've not used it because I'm more
interested in avoiding long "instrumentalist" beams in favour of
shorter ones, even with half-note beats, because I set vocal music.

(In the attachment, \score makes a \layout local, so that exx. 1 and 3
don't see them. Compound time is unaffected, because the \layout time
signatures never have 8 in the denominator, so no match.)

\relative a' {
  \time 3/4
  r4. a8 a a |
  \set Timing.beamHalfMeasure = ##f
  r4. a8 a a |

\score {
  \relative a' {
    \time 3/4
    r4. a8 a a |
    r4. a8 a a |
  \layout {
    \context {
      3/4 % timeSignatureFraction
      1/8 % baseMomentFraction
      2,2,2 % beatStructure
      #'() % beamExceptions

\relative a' {
  \time 6/4
  a8 a a a a2 a8 a a a |
  \set Timing.beamHalfMeasure = ##f % impotent
  r4. a8 a a a2 a8 a |

\score {
  \relative a' {
    \time 6/4
    a8 a a a a2 a8 a a a |
    r4. a8 a a a2 a8 a |
  \layout {
    \context {
      6/4 % timeSignatureFraction
      1/8 % baseMomentFraction
      2,2,2,2,2,2 % beatStructure
      #'() % beamExceptions

\score {
  \relative a' {
    \time 12/8
    a8 a a a a2 a8 a a a |
    r4. a8 a a a2 a8 a |
  \layout {
    \context {
      6/4 % timeSignatureFraction
      1/8 % baseMomentFraction
      2,2,2,2,2,2 % beatStructure
      #'() % beamExceptions

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