Thank you!
Yes, what I need is to write two separate homorhythmic horizontal voice and 
display them as chord controlling each glissando for each note.
I would like independent control over the glissando lines for each 
voice—specifically, I want to apply glissando to only certain notes in each 
I know \set glissandoMap = #'((0 . 1) (1 . 0)), but I wonder if it was possible 
in another way.


> On 14 Nov 2024, at 16:14, David Kastrup <> wrote:
> writes:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a simple way to remove or hide the glissando on the second
>> simultaneous voice in this exemple?
>> Thank you!
>> \new Voice <<
>>    \relative {c' d \glissando e f}
>>    \relative {g' a b e}
> What second voice?  There is only a single voice here.
> You probably mean something like
> \new Voice <<
>    \relative {g' a b e} \\
>    \relative {c' d \glissando e f}
> Note that without the "\\", "<< ... >>" does not introduce additional
> voices but merely enters material in a different order.
> -- 
> David Kastrup

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