On Thu, 7 Nov 2024 at 21:46, Paul Scott <waterhorsemu...@aol.com> wrote: > > Thank you for your reply, Xavier, > > I don't know enough to know how to override Score.coda.MarkFormatter. I > might be able to figure part of it from the code I was given to change > the D.C al Coda string. I don't know where to put the override I want.
Hello, I am not an expert either. Playing with your MWE I ended up with the following code, not perfect but might lead you or someone into the right direction. \version "2.25.19" music = \fixed c' { f1 \repeat segno 2 { g1 \alternative { \volta 1 { \once \override Score.CodaMark.self-alignment-X = #0.8 \once \set Score.codaMarkFormatter = #(lambda args #{ \markup { \normalsize { "To Coda" \raise #1 \musicglyph "scripts.coda" } } #}) \repeat unfold 4 { a2 } } \volta 2 \volta #'() { \section \sectionLabel "Coda" \once \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #(lambda (context repeat-count markups) #{ \markup{D.C. al Coda} #}) } } } b1 \fine } \score { \music } Kind regards, Xavier