Can you make use of the LilyPond Scheme function ly:find-file? This function returns either #f or the full path to the file. Directories passed with -I arguments are searched. The function is documented here

On 02/11/2024 15:35, Rob Daasch wrote:
[Repost: The first post Thunderbird had HTML 'on'. The appended short example was a mess.  My apologies.]

First time post

Attached is a short, I dare not call it tiny, lilypond input file demonstrating an issue with (file-exists? and the use of --include=DIRECTORY on the command line.

Is there a list or string that I can access from a lilypond script that contains the entire search path? In the application here, the path has to contain additions from -include=DIRECTORY.

To run example shown below, a separate directory 'RealBookClone' and 'LilyJAZZ.ily' as a dummy file in 'RealBookClone' are needed.

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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