On Thu, 31 Oct 2024 at 04:46, Walt North <waltno...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Is there anyway to require a minimum measure length for chordmode?
When there is a Staff I use the trick to add transparent multi-measure rests with minimum-length. I was surprised to see that it seems to work with ChordNames as well if "Multi_measure_rest_engraver" is added to the ChordNames context. > Actually... Second question is there any way to scoot the bar line over so it is not on top of the last word of the previous measure? Add the "Bar_engraver" to the Lyrics context as well and make the bar lines transparent. This way the lyrics will avoid collision with the transparent bar lines and stay within their measure. \layout { \context { \ChordNames \consists "Bar_engraver" \override BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2) \override BarLine.hair-thickness = #3 \consists "Multi_measure_rest_engraver" \override MultiMeasureRest.transparent = ##t \override MultiMeasureRest.minimum-length = #12 % value to be adapted } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \consists "Bar_engraver" \override BarLine.transparent = ##t } } theChords = \chordmode { c1 c c c c c c c } transparentRests = { R1*8 } theLyrics = \lyricmode { a1 tesssssst of2 some mesasureleeength1 x } \score { << \new ChordNames << \theChords \transparentRests >> \new Lyrics \theLyrics >> } Kind regards, Xavier