Cameron Hall <> writes:

> Here is a short simplified excerpt of a piece I'm trying to notate. I
> need a slur to start on the quarter note C and end on the D in measure
> 3. However, it doesn't seem possible to start the same a slur in a
> single voice and end it in a split voice. Is there an easy workaround
> for this?
> %%%
> \version "2.24.4"
> \fixed c'' {
>   \time 3/4
>   r2 c4~( |
>   c8 d e f g a |
>   << { b a g f e d) } \\ { r4 <e, g,> q } >> |
>   c2. |
> }
> %%%

In this case the simplest way is to not actually use a new voice but
just "change flavor".  I'd probably write this as

\version "2.24.4"

\fixed c'' {
  \time 3/4
  r2 c4~( |
  c8 d e f g a |
  \voices "",2
  << { \voiceOne b a g f e d) \oneVoice } \\ { r4 <e, g,> q } >> |
  c2. |
Note that if your ongoing Voice is named Voice = "soprano" (for
example), the \voices command needs to become \voices "soprano",2 in
order to attach the first-voice-formatting to the already existing

David Kastrup

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