> how can I get the new jianpu10a.ly with MMR? thQ and appreciated.
Take the unmodified file `jianpu10a.ly` and apply the patch that was
attached to my original e-mail.  With 'apply' the following steps are

* save the attachment to a file (say, `jianpu10a.patch`)
* move `jianpu10a.patch` to the same directory where `jianpu10a.ly`
* change to that directory and call

  patch < jianpu10a.patch

  on the command line to patch `jianpu10a.ly`.

Of course, this assumes that you have the `patch` program available.
You might read


for more information in case you are a Windows user.

However, the patch is so small that you can apply it manually: Change
the lines (marked with a leading `- ` in the patch file)

         ((or (music-is-of-type? m 'rest-event)
              (music-is-of-type? m 'multi-measure-rest))

in file `jiapu10a.ly` to

         ((music-is-of-type? m 'rest-event)

(marked with a leading `+ ` in the patch file) and you are done.


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