Виноградов Юрий wrote:
Excuse me. I didn't understand what needs to be inserted in "." . Or how to operate them.
The attached snippet has the modification I suggested. It positions the closing bracket correctly when using 2.24.4. Cheers, Robin
%%% HACKED SNIPPET: %%% \header { tagline = ##f } #(define-markup-command (openBracket layout props height) (number?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:line (#:with-dimensions-from "." (#:path 0.25 (list (list (quote moveto) 0 0) (list (quote lineto) -1 0) (list (quote lineto) -1 (* height -1)) (list (quote lineto) 0 (* height -1)))))))) #(define-markup-command (closeBracket layout props height) (number?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:line (#:with-dimensions-from "." (#:path 0.25 (list (list (quote moveto) 1.3 0) (list (quote lineto) 2.3 0) (list (quote lineto) 2.3 (* height -1)) (list (quote lineto) 1.3 (* height -1)))))))) \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c'' { a^\markup \openBracket #14 c'^\markup \closeBracket #16.5 } \new Staff { \clef F c' c' } >> %LSR prevent clipping \markup \vspace #1 %%% SNIPET END %%%