I am setting a series of items for a single melody instrument (i.e.
using one stave).  These items are generally quite short and will fit
on one page.  Sometimes I can even get 2 on a page.

But a few of them require 2 pages, and naturally I try to arrange
things so that they cover a left-hand page and a right-hand page in
that order.

At the head of each item I have a markup which takes up something like
2 cm. of space.  I would like to create a similar empty space on the
right-hand page of a 2-page item, so that the first stave of the 2nd
page is roughly lined up with the top stave on the left-hand page.

I can't add a markup in the middle of a score unless it is somehow
attached to a stave.  I could perhaps do something like create an
invisible staccato dot on a note in the top stave of the page, and give
it an extreme Y-offset.

But I can't help feeling there must be a more elegant and orthodox way
of doing what I want.  Suggestions, please?


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