>>>>> "Sebastian" == Sebastian Menge <s.me...@gmx.de> writes:
Sebastian> [1 <text/plain; UTF-8 (7bit)>] Hi

Sebastian> I have a (organ) piece with different "voices"(?) stacking
Sebastian> up to chords.

Sebastian> Since this is rather homophonic, I'd not use individual
Sebastian> voices - the slurs look ugly then.

 I think you need to ...

Sebastian> I came up with the following (hardly minimal) example. Lily
Sebastian> gives me many warnings, so I wonder if I could make it
Sebastian> better - and easier.

The way I worked out that looks reasonable is to use \partcombine:

\version "2.24.3"

\score {
  \new Staff \with {  printPartCombineTexts=##f } {
  \key b \major
   \partCombine \partCombine
   \relative c'{ \voiceTwo fis1 ~ fis ~ fis ~ fis e fis ~ 
      \time 3/4 fis2. ~ fis ~ fis ~ \time 4/4 fis2 eis}
   \relative c'' {\voiceOne r2 a2 ~ a1 ais gis ~ gis a
      gis2. ~ gis ais gis1}
   \relative c'' {s1 c1 cis b ais b ~
      b2. ~ b s2. s1}

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