Not an answer to the question, but an observation: in my experience, these
messages tend to indicate calculations that are a significant performance
hit to the score compilation time. Do you notice whether the piece you are
working on with a lot of cross staff beaming is notably slower to compile
than other comparable pieces?

On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 6:51 PM Knute Snortum <> wrote:

> I am typesetting a piece and running into issue 6171 (
> which emits a
> spurious programming error. I have a lot of those and they tend to hide
> real errors, so I want to suppress them. I thought of using ly:expect-warning,
> except the message isn't a warning; it's an error, so the function doesn't
> catch it.
> Any ideas on how to suppress these error messages without suppressing all
> messages?
> --
> Knute Snortum

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