On 13/10/2024 13:41, Eef Weenink wrote:

Now I want to give this another rhythm: 3 quarters in stead of 6 eights.
First measure would then be: c4 bes f

I am wondering if there is a trick, tool, tip to make this a bit easier, Now I have to all manually. Best I can think of is to make something with regex find replace.

The \shiftDurations function can help here.

\version "2.24.4"

brokenchords = {
  c8 bes f' bes c bes
  c bes e' bes c bes

eighth = {
 \repeat unfold 2 { s8([ s8] s8[ s8] s8[ s8]) }

quarter = {
 \repeat unfold 4 { s4( s4 s4) }

\new Staff {
  \clef "bass"
  \time 3/4
  \key f\major
  \new Voice {
    << \brokenchords \eighth >>
    << \shiftDurations -1 0 \brokenchords \quarter >>

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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