Is it possible that updating to MacOS 14.6.1 has done something to break 
musicxml2ly? I'm in the middle of a show and use it to move scores from an ipad 
app to lilypond. It's worked the past couple of weeks but today it seems to not 
work and all I get are errors.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jamesbailey/Applications/lilypond/bin/../libexec/musicxml2ly", 
line 3482, in <module>
  File "/Users/jamesbailey/Applications/lilypond/bin/../libexec/musicxml2ly", 
line 3475, in main
    voices = convert(filename, options)
  File "/Users/jamesbailey/Applications/lilypond/bin/../libexec/musicxml2ly", 
line 3331, in convert
    tree = read_musicxml(filename, options.compressed, options.use_lxml)
  File "/Users/jamesbailey/Applications/lilypond/bin/../libexec/musicxml2ly", 
line 3322, in read_musicxml
    return read_xml(io_object, use_lxml)
  File "/Users/jamesbailey/Applications/lilypond/bin/../libexec/musicxml2ly", 
line 3272, in read_xml
    doc = minidom.parse(io_object)
line 1990, in parse
    return expatbuilder.parse(file)
 line 911, in parse
    result = builder.parseFile(fp)
 line 207, in parseFile
    parser.Parse(buffer, False)
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 10

I don't really understand any of this, and I can type up the changes by hand, 
but I use this constellation of tools rather frequently. Is this a known issue 
that I should have read about before updating or is this a new thing?



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