Hi Werner,

> has anybody written a 'tacet al fine' function that converts all rests
> at the end of a piece into a single, multi-measure rest with the text
> 'tacet al fine' above instead of the number of measures?  The attached
> image comes from Gould's book 'Behind Bars'.
> Such a function should suppress rehearsal numbers together with tempo
> and time signature changes (and probably more things).

In cases like this, I generally \quoteDuring the global and just add a single 
chunk to the music for that instrument:

{ \omit TimeSignature \time 4/4 R1^\markup "tacet al fine" }

1. Maybe not the most elegant solution, but it has worked perfectly for my 

2. This could easily be turned into a function — either just to tack on the 
“additional” stuff [as I currently do manually], or taking the global variable 
and a measure number as parameters and outputting a new/modified global 
expression [for that particular instrument].

Hope that helps!

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