On Fri, 4 Oct 2024 22:53:35 +0200 Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Fr., 4. Okt. 2024 um 19:37 Uhr schrieb Cameron Hall > <camerongh...@cox.net>: > > > > I'd like to have separate drum parts for readability purposes but > > combine them into one staff on the conductor's score. To my > > surprise, the partCombine function does not work at all for drum > > parts, so I've resulted to just combining two drum parts together > > into a single staff using voices. However, this doesn't merge any > > duplicate items like partCombine can, so any dynamics or rests in > > both parts will be printed twice. Any way to achieve this? > > > > Thanks, > > Cameron > > > > %%% > > \version "2.24.4" > > \header { title = "Example" } > > > > snare = \drummode { sn4\p\< 8 8 r4 4 | 4\f r r2 | } > > bass = \drummode { bd4\p\< r r bd4 | 4\f r r2 | } > > > > % Full score > > \bookpart { > > \header { instrument = "Full Score" } > > \score { > > \new DrumStaff << \snare \\ \bass >> > > % \new DrumStaff \partCombine \snare \bass % Can't do this! > > } > > } > > > > % Individual Parts > > \bookpart { > > \header { instrument = "Snare Drum" } > > \score { \new RhythmicStaff \snare } > > } > > \bookpart { > > \header { instrument = "Bass Drum" } > > \score { \new RhythmicStaff \bass } > > } > > %%% > > > > Assuming both parts have always the same dynamics: > > \version "2.24.4" > \header { title = "Example" } > > snare = \drummode { sn4\p\< 8 8 r4 4 | 4\f r r2 | } > bass = \drummode { bd4\p\< r r bd4 | 4\f r r2 | } > > % Full score > \bookpart { > \header { instrument = "Full Score" } > \score { > \new DrumStaff > \with { > \consists Merge_rests_engraver > \consists Dynamic_engraver > \consists Dynamic_align_engraver > } > << \snare \\ \bass >> > % \new DrumStaff \partCombine \snare \bass % Can't do this! > \layout { > \context { > \DrumVoice > \remove Dynamic_engraver > \remove Dynamic_align_engraver > } > } > } > } > > % Individual Parts > \bookpart { > \header { instrument = "Snare Drum" } > \score { \new RhythmicStaff \snare } > } > \bookpart { > \header { instrument = "Bass Drum" } > \score { \new RhythmicStaff \bass } > } > > HTH, > Harm >
Thanks, this is exactly what I'm looking for! It looks like Dynamic_align_engraver is just positioning the dynamics of both parts to the same vertical position so that they overlap. There are a few places where the dynamics differ. I thought about using \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.direction = #UP on the snare part for those spots, but it seems that Dynamic_align_engraver cancels that out. Is it somehow possible to temporarily disable the Dynamic_align_engraver in those spots to make that happen?