Walt North <waltno...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thank. well that got me a step farther.  However now I see that this works
> without curly braces around the \markup...Examples below.  I'm not that
> familiar with guile so it's probably related to how variables work in
> guile. The end goal is to have a fair amount of template stuff in the
> function with some variables passed in to fill in some gaps.
> \version "2.24.4"
> hdr =
> #(define-scheme-function (name) (string?)
>    #{
>      \header {
>      title = \markup #name
>      }
>    #})
> \hdr "test"
> %\header { title = test }
> \score {
> {c4 d e f}
> }
> This throws an error.
> hdr =
> #(define-scheme-function (name) (string?)
>    #{
>      \header {
>      title = \markup {#name}
>      }
>    #})

# starts a Scheme expression.  Identifiers in Scheme are separated by
spaces, parens and quote marks.  So you are asking Scheme to fill in a
variable called name} (including a closing curly brace) and Scheme does
not know such a variable.  Also the closing curly brace you included in
the variable name is then leaving an unmatched opening curly brace in
its wake.

> Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here
> title = \markup {#
> name}
> Unbound variable: #{name\x7d;}#

Which tells you exactly that, just in a contorted manner.

> C:/Users/waltn/AppData/Local/Temp/frescobaldi-hg83vfc9/tmpix0jvon3/document.ly:8:7
> <1>: error: syntax error, unexpected end of input
> }

And here is what the missing closing brace then caused.

Anyway, even if properly separated with spaces, the curly braces are
spurious.  What do you hope to achieve with them?

David Kastrup

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