On Sat, 28 Sep 2024, Aaron Laws wrote:

> \version "2.24.4" \include "articulate.ly" \articulate { c'4. e'8 g'2 | c''1
> }
> has the absurd output:
> image.png
> The compilation output doesn't report any errors. Is this (added time)
> expected?

Yes.  There isn't really any "added time."  If you generate MIDI and
examine the MIDI output it's clearer what is going on.

Each note is being split into a note and a rest, and the durations are
being scaled, so that the output is something like this:

c'4.*7/8 r4.*1/8  e'8*7/8 r8*1/8  g'2*7/8 r2*1/8 |  c''1*7/8 r1*1/8

Each note is translated into one 7/8 the original duration, followed by a
rest 1/8 the original duration.  That's basically what articulation is:
it's pauses between the notes.  And articulate.ly implements that by
scaling the original durations rather than calculating new unscaled
durations.  It looks funny when you engrave the result, because the
engraving doesn't show the duration scaling, but you're not normally meant
to engrave the output of articulate.ly.  It is only meant for creating
MIDI output and if the MIDI output sounds right, then it is right.

Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before tribes.

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