When writing a simple song lead sheet i have the chord(name) above the
normal melody line.
Some guitarists like to use a capo and so I place a transposed chord(name)
below the main one.
To do this I used a function called "parenthesizeAllchords" which I freely
admit I plagarized from somewhere and don't exactly understand how it works
- but it did work at one time.
Each Capo chord had a bracket around it eg  (C)  (D7)  (Em) etc
However, I've not used it for a few years and tried recently and it no
longer works ( or I've corrupted the code somewhere along the line)
Please could somebody cast an eye over this and see where I am going wrong?
Thank you in anticipation.
Colin Baguley
\version "2.24.3"  %
% ----------------------------------------------------------
melody_notes =
\relative c'' { \key f \major    \time 4/4
g4. fis8 g a bes g a2 c4 r | d4. d8 c a bes a g1 }
basicchords = \chordmode
{ c1 f bes2 f4 g:min c1:7 }
%--parenthesize chords function ---- for Capochords ---------
parenthesizeAllchords =
#(define-music-function (myMusic) (ly:music?)
   (lambda (ev)
     (if (or (memq 'note-event (ly:music-property ev 'types))
             (memq 'rest-event (ly:music-property ev 'types)))
        (set! (ly:music-property ev 'parenthesize) #t))    ev)
   myMusic) myMusic)
guitarchords = \chordmode {
  \override ChordName.font-size = #3
  \override Parentheses.font-size = #2
\override ChordName.style = #'american
\basicchords  }
capochords = \chordmode {
  \override ChordName.font-size = #-3
\override Parentheses.font-size = #2
\override ChordName.style = #'american
\score {   <<
%---------CHORD LINE-----------------------------------------
 \new ChordNames
%-------CAPO LINE--- I want these in brackets ------------
\new ChordNames
 \transpose f e { \capochords }
%---------MELODY LINE --------------------------------------
\new Staff
>> }

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