On Thu, 19 Sep 2024, Lucas Cavalcanti wrote:

> Hello, fellow lilypond users!
> Is it possible to use the segno and volta commands in lilypond to generate a
> file like this screenshot below?

I think this works:

\new Staff {
  c''1 | d''1 | e''1 | f''1 | \break
  \repeat volta 3 {
    \mark \markup { \larger \segno }
    c''4 d''8 e''8 c''4 d''8 e''8 |
    c''4 d''8 e''8 c''4 d''8 e''8 |
    c''4 d''8 e''8 c''4 d''8 e''8 |
    \mark \markup { \larger \coda }
    \alternative {
      \volta 1 { f''1 }
      \volta 2 {
  \jump \markup { \right-column {
    \concat { "D.S. al " \coda }
    "e poi la Coda"
  } }
  \bar "|" \break
  \mark "Coda"
  e''1 |

Really cross-nesting Lilypond's segno and volta repeats as your screenshot
implies, doesn't work.  But the logic of the notes to play is actually
equivalent to a volta repeat with three alternatives; and that in turn is
equivalent to a volta repeat with three alternatives of which the third
one is empty, followed by other stuff outside the repeat.  So it's
possible to write the equivalent structure with only a volta repeat, to
get the correct unfolding logic, and then just decorate it visually to
make it look like there's a segno repeat involved.  It will still unfold
correctly with \unfoldRepeats.

You can, of course, tweak the appearance of the marks by using something
other than \mark; perhaps by attaching them as markups to notes if you
don't want them to appear right above barlines.

Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before tribes.

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