I had to compile fontforge from source because it wasn't in the repos. I
was doing "make check" for the tests, I think it was test 68 or something
that wouldn't work because of the missing modules. It could be that was all
that was needed, but I was sick of it not working so that's why I compiled
it with all the optional flags.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2024, 9:10 PM Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > I was working on the tests for fontforge and one failed because I
> > didn't have some python module installed that it needed.
> What exactly do you mean with 'working on the tests'?
> > I installed that and then recompiled fontforge with every extra
> > thing enabled that I could.
> So you say that a 'normal' installation of FontForge doesn't work for
> you?
> > That seems to have solved the problem and I was able to compile the
> > rest of lilypond!
> Great!
>     Werner

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