
This kind of emails should go to the mailing lists (either -user or -devel). 
CC:d to lilypond-user.

On Saturday 02 July 2005 21.51, Stephen wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you heard whether there is a move to eliminate collisions between
> notes and dynamics?

dynamics work the same way as text. Have you read the manual section "Changing 

> I think the code could be placed soly in the dynamics side. That is the
> dynamics avoid note, not the other way around. Perhaps that would follow
> the way engravers did it manually as the quote I found suggests.
> In the lilypond-user archive in a message from David Rogers in a thread
> called 'How to thengthen dynamis hairpin' (sic), he mentioned:
> > Some of the < and > signs do not follow these formats at all >- instead,
> > presumably intended as more "general" signs, they >cover whole bars or
> > several bars, and are obviously placed >without regard to note positions.
> .>
> >It also appears that they are one of the first things to be >modified,
> >often in asymmetrical ways, in case of collision or >near-collision with
> >anything else. Perhaps as if they were >placed last, being only straight
> >lines and relatively easy to >"fit in".
> This idea of moving the dynamics around the notes strikes me as the most
> workable, since you can then have a heirarchy of collision avoidance
> starting with the existing note collision aviodance without needing to
> modify that. I also think it would be the most attractive since the
> placement of notes really takes precedence over the placement of the
> dynamics both visually and functionally. And finaly it would probably
> reflect the way music engraving has been done historically.

Yes, moving the dynamics is probably how it should be fixed.

> But anyway, have you heard whether anyone is working on dynamic collision?

No, but the problem of text collision in general is on the far-future todo.

BTW, there's no explicit bug in our bug archive about dynamics colliding with 
notes; can you send a short .ly example when this occurs?

Erik Sandberg 
Maintainer of the Lilypond bug CVS archive,

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