\layout {
\context {
\Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
Ron Piterman:
Hi, I am trying to add horizontal brackets to a small file, and getting
an error message:
GNU LilyPond 2.4.6
Processing `'
Interpreting music... warning: Junking event: `NoteGroupingEvent':
p \p fis g dis fis a)\stopGroup R2. warning: Junking event: `NoteGroupingEvent':
e4(\startGroup \p fis g dis fis a)\stopGrou
p R2.
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3][6][9][12][14]
Layout output to `DDS_S_10_I_1.tex'...
Converting to `DDS_S_10_I_1.dvi'...
Converting to `'...
Converting to `DDS_S_10_I_1.pdf'...
The file is:
\paper {
pagenumber = no
leftmargin = 2\cm
linewidth = 16\cm
indent = 10\mm
\header {
tagline = ""
analyseA = \markup { \halign #-1 { "" \raise #4.9 \italic \tiny "A1" } }
analyseB = \markup { \halign #-1 { "" \raise #4.1 \italic \tiny "A2" } }
analyseC = \markup { \halign #-1 { "" \raise #1.8 \italic \tiny "A3" } }
staffCont = \new StaffGroup \transpose c c, {
\set Staff.fontSize = #-2
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2)
\override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'thickness = #0.2
\override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'padding = #1
\override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'direction = #1
\override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'edge-height = #'(-1 . -1)
\override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2.0
\set Score.markFormatter = #(lambda (mark context)
(make-bold-markup (make-box-markup (number->string mark))))
\set Staff.instrument = \markup \column < "Celli \&" "Bass" >
%\set BarNumber.padding = #66
%BarNumber \override #'padding = #6
\clef bass
\key e \minor
\time 3/4
\mark \markup { "" \raise #0.5 \bold \italic \halign #0 \small
Moderato }
e4(\startGroup \p fis g dis fis a)\stopGroup R2.
g4( a bes) fis2( a4~ a c'2~ c') \slurUp b!4(
d'2 \< e'4)
f'2( e'4 \! d'2 \> b4) \!
\stemUp d'4( \< c' b c' b a) \! b( \> a g b a g) \!
\score {
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