I, too, have my own collection of Lilypond work, and after a while it was
getting to be a pain to keep track of what needed updating where, and
finally gave up and created a Github repository for it all, and now, it is
the definitive copy of stuff.  Lilypond is, after all, source code, and
what better to manage source code than a Source Code Control System like
Git.  My life got better instantly.

I've included my standard template that I use for work in a motown band
where all we need is basic transposing of the main chart.  I usually just
type in whatever arrangement I have to work with and use the \transpose
function to generate sheets.  Simple, but very effective.

-Jeff. :)

On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 2:57 PM Pierre-Luc Gauthier <p.luc.gauth...@gmail.com>

> Hello there,
> I thought I'd share my LilyPond "system" that I use to generate scores for
> orchestras.
> I just finished a somewhat complicated show : 15 original songs all
> arranged for SATB chorus of 50+ persons, full symphonic orchestra of 45ish
> musicians, house band, lighting technician and ptz cameras (yes lighting
> and camera "scores"). The attached zip file is one of those songs.
> This system of mine is frighteningly unmaintainable and written mostly out
> of despair. I've been building it since about 2013 upgrading it to this
> day, making yearly overhauls that most always ends up in· copy/pasting all
> my wrong designs of the past. I am *not* a programmer yet I'm relying
> heavily on git branches etc to have all my projects in sync with this
> system.
> But hey, it works for what I do for a living and I am quite proud of it.
> How to compile it :
> ./doItAll.sh
> I hope it inspires some of you on what (or what not) to do for your setup.
> I am immensely grateful for all of you in this mailing list that have
> helped me build this system. Many(most?) snippets of code I use come
> shamelessly copied from this very list. So thanks to you all.
> Greetings ☺
> --
> *Pierre-Luc Gauthier*

*Jeff Kopmanis*
Medium: https://kopmanis.medium.com
GLAAC: https://www.glaac.org/
University Lowbrow Astronomers: http://umich.edu/~lowbrows
Orange Can Astronomy: https://www.facebook.com/orangecanastronomy/

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