As far as I can understand, the automatic beaming algorithm is
not clever enough to be able to handle the requested behavior,
i.e. to distinguish between full groups of 4 8th notes and
patterns like "r8 c c c".
I'm afraid that it would be fairly complicated to implement an
algorithm that handles "all" such exceptions in "the correct" way,
or even to invent a syntax to describes how different rhythmic
patterns should be beamed and is flexible enough and still doesn't
require that you provide an exhaustive list of all possible
rhythms that can appear in the piece.
On 2024-07-15 11:51, Paul Hodges wrote:
The way to change the beaming behaviour in LilyPond is described at:
For the case of quavers in 4/4 time, Gould starts with the grouping used in the LilyPond default, but also suggests (page 154) situations where changing locally to the pattern you want is appropriate.
From: Paul Scott <>
To: Lilypond-User Mailing List <>
Sent: 15/07/2024 7:53
Subject: Re: beaming of eighth note question for 4/4
Here is the MWE:
\version "2.25.18"
\fixed c' {
\time 4/4
c8 8 8 8 r8 8 8 8 c8 8 8 r8 8 8 8 8 \break
c8 8 8 8 r8 8 8[ 8] c8[ 8] 8 r8 8 8 8 8
On 7/14/24 11:50 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
> Much printed music that I try to duplicate seems to be beamed like the
> 2nd line of this MWE but the Lilypond default seems to be like the
> first line. Is there a beaming setting way to get the 2nd behavior.
> I have looked for a solution in NR 1.2.4.
> I don't have a copy of Gould to look this up.
> TIA for any ideas,
> Paul