Le jeudi 11 juillet 2024 à 14:08 -0700, Paul Scott a écrit :
> I believe I got this code from Kieren but I may have a typo in my use of it.
>    _-\tweak padding 50 _\markup{ " " }
> It produces blank space on the page below the music as desired but I get 
> a tenuto mark in the music before the space (not necessarily connected 
> to a note).
> I use this to facilitate page turns without having the lines of music 
> spread too far apart.
> I am hoping I said enough. I will produce a MWE if necessary

An MWE would be just

\version "2.24.2"

{ c'_-\tweak padding 50 _\markup{ " " } }

and the reason is that the first "_" should not be there.


PS: If the lines are too far apart, consider \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t }

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