On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 at 21:31, bobr...@centrum.is <bobr...@centrum.is> wrote: > > I have been looking for a way to use music glyphs in inline text, specifically in a lilypond-book document. I want to write "the note should be Bb and not C#" but I want to use a flat and a sharp and not a lower case 'b' and an octothorpe (#).
Hello, There are many possibilities. Use a font that supports MUSIC FLAT SIGN or MUSIC SHARP SIGN unicode character. https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/266d/fontsupport.htm https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/266f/fontsupport.htm Use MusiXTEX https://ctan.org/pkg/musixtex Use the lilyglyphs package (must be compiled with LuaLATEX or XELATEX) https://ctan.org/pkg/lilyglyphs Use the musicography package (similar to lilyglyphs but for pdflatex) https://ctan.org/pkg/musicography Kind regards, Xavier