Le mercredi 03 juillet 2024 à 08:26 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit :
> Thank you. The obvious is what generally escapes one. But character
> picking is a PITA. I shall have to add a French keyboard to my layouts. 
> AZERTY :-(

Have you tried a Compose key?

At least under a GNOME Linux desktop, this is very easy to enable:
open Settings app, select the "Keyboard" tab and click "Compose key"
(under "Special Character Entry"). You can configure a key of your
keyboard to be a "Compose key" which makes it insert various special
characters when you type this key followed by one of many predefined
sequences. For example:

Compose ' e → é
Compose ` a → à
Compose " i → ï
Compose > a → â
Compose , c → ç

This is incredibly convenient to type all sorts of unusual characters
without changing your keyboard layout (for another example, I typed
the arrows above with "Compose - >").

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