Hi Peter,

On 17.06.24 19:12, peter--- via LilyPond user discussion wrote:

I’m trying to reuse a melody with slight modifications.

I would like to be able to remove stem directives from a melody when it is played alone
without having to copy, paste and remove

That’s very basic usage and doesn’t require anything special. Have you 
familiarised yourself with the Learning Manual? It’s the most important 
resource for avoiding misunderstandings and frustrations while getting 
into LilyPond.

\new Staff <<{\melody} \\ {\harmony } >>


This construct you are using here: << \\ >> will automatically apply the 
command \voiceOne to \melody and \voiceTwo to \harmony. The Learning 
Manual will explain how to use these and show that setting stem 
directions is the most important thing it does.
So all you need to change in your example is: remove the \stemDown and 
\stemUp commands from the music and in the following \score just call 
\harmony again, without any change.

\new Staff \harmonyAlone


Best, Simon

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