Thank you fore the answers. It is strenge, that Apple developed Apple 
Inteligence and ship at the same time this old and buggy font in they 
distribution. I reporter this bug on the feedback page.

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Am 14.06.24 18:22 um Hans Aikema schrieb :

On 14 Jun 2024, at 13:18, Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:

I'm using Lilypond on Mac and by the font Times New Roman the latin letter "N" 
appears not right. Can anybody help with this issue?

We've seen this before and it turned out to be a bug in the Times New Roman 
font file shipped by that macOS version, see

I’ve reported this once more with Apple support… let’s hope they finally start 
ignoring user feedback and patch their OS distribution fonts

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