Hello Aaron,

I would think there is little actual need to specify the size as parameter. 
After all, you have the font-size proportion, using which you can control size 
by \fontsize ...

You’d simply need to replace size by (magstep font-size). Alternatively if you 
want to match text you could interpret some markup like "A" and derive the 
height from it. This way you automatically have the font-size incorporated.


Am Freitag, 7. Juni 2024, 00:09:36 MESZ schrieb Aaron Hill:
> I was playing around with drawing regular polygons, which led to
> creating a new markup command with several configurable options.  (Some
> of these options are inherited via the built-in \polygon command.)
> There might be a few things to tighten up, but I believe it is in a
> pretty workable state.  I wish optional parameters existed for markup
> commands.  If they did, then a user could just specify the number of
> sides and omit the size.  The default size would be something that
> matches the font height, so the shape would naturally fit in with the
> surrounding text.
> -- Aaron Hill

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