
Do you mean something like this:

\version "2.24.3"
\markup\line {
  \circle" 1. "
  \box \override #'(line-width . 40) \fill-line { "\t\musicglyh \tlsr?" } %
\markup \vspace #0.75


Am Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2024, 23:16:51 MESZ schrieb ming tsang:
> Dear Lilyponders,
> I have two markups printed in two lines.
> questions:
> 1.. How to print the two markups side-by-side on one line
> 2.. How to shorten the fill-line or have an arg to determine the width.
> Here is the lily markup code:
> \version "2.24.3"
> \markup\circle" 1. "
> \markup \box \fill-line { "\t\musicglyh \tlsr?" } %\rounded-box
> \markup \vspace #0.75
> --
> ming (lyndon) tsang

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