The plugin that Kenneth mentions (which I am also using at the moment) is 
rather quite broken as far as Emacs or Frescobaldi-style autocompletion is 

strongly recommends the use of `coc.nvim`, which is not as performant as non 
JS-based completion engines like cmp-nvim. The plugin author makes available a 
path to working autocomplete via the provided dictionary files that come 
bundled with Lilypond, but in order to make that work with `nvim-cmp`, an 
additional plugin must be used to integrate dictionary files as a completion 
source. AFAIK, [cmp-dictionary]( is 
the only plugin that provides this functionality, and it is archived/not being 
developed, and it is broken. I cannot get it to load without throwing an error.

I really don't feel like asking us to use TabNine as a suitable autocomplete 
engine is really the solution, especially because it's not very great at 
handling specialized languages like LilyPond. I also don't feel like moving all 
of my completion configuration over to `coc.nvim` is really something that 
makes sense for one language out of many that I write in my vim config. I'm 
kind of at a loss for what I can use in vim to get proper autocomplete working 
other than fix the broken archived plugin myself, which I'm not exactly trying 
to do at the moment.

- Fennel

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