Hi Mark thanks for the reply,
so my mwe didn’t show, but the measure is 2/5 which means the duration of
the measure is that of a half note prolated by 5:4, so that is where the 8
in 9:*8* comes from.

Regardless of this discrepancy, lilypond is perfectly happy to display
"incomplete" tuplets. see:

\tuplet 3/2 {

so I don’t believe the issue is that the outermost tuplet is not filled
*completely*, rather it seems to be a problem that the outermost tuplet is
filled *with only one tuplet*. Your example displays the sub-tuplet because
the outermost tuplet contains more than a single tuplet. If we replace your c'4
c' c' with a separate tuplet, everything behaves as expected as well. Well,
I should say that my assertions as to why the other examples work correctly
is a guess.


p.s. Again to clarify for anyone following this discussion, it is the
innermost tuplet bracket that disappears for me.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 5:26 PM <carsonm...@ca.rr.com> wrote:

> Gregory,
> As I read it the inner 8/9 is equal to two beats of a 4/4 measure.
> That is insufficient to complete an entire 4/5 measure.
> Look at
> \version "2.24.3"
> \times 4/5 {
>     \times 8/9 {
>         c'16 c' c' c' c' c' c' c' c'
>     } c'4 c' c'
> }
> Mark
> *From:* lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=ca.rr....@gnu.org
> <lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=ca.rr....@gnu.org> *On Behalf Of *Gregory
> Evans
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 5, 2024 3:11 PM
> *To:* Lilypond-User Mailing List <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> *Subject:* Vanishing nested tuplet
> Hello everyone,
> I need help engraving a unique rhythm structure relevant to “irrational”
> meters (or perhaps non-dyadic meters or non-power-of-2-denominated meters).
> In many cases of such meters, it is assumed that the unique meter prolates
> the contained values as is sometimes done in a score which changes from a
> duple meter to a triple meter.
> However in a score I am currently engraving changes from duple to triple
> meter do not change the basic speed of any note value (an 8th note is the
> same duration in 3/4 and 6/8) and thus the “irrational” meters also do
> not change the tempo. For instance a 1/6 meter would be the duration of
> one quarter note in an incomplete tuplet of 3:2.
> In the score I am engraving, measures are generally subdivided into even
> pulses. In this case a 2/5 measure is divided into 9 16th notes. This
> could be notated as a formidable 45:32 tuplet or, as I would prefer a 5:4
> tuplet with a 9:8 tuplet inside and nothing else. However, lilypond seems
> to be erasing the inner tuplet. This is reproduced in the following mwe (I
> am still using 2.23.81 which I know is quite old):
> \times 4/5 {
>     \times 8/9 {
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>         c'16
>     }
> }
> The spacing appears to be calculated correctly but the innermost tuplet
> bracket and number will not appear unless another note or tuplet is added
> as well. No change is caused by adding empty chords (<>) or by changing
> \times to \tuplet in any permutation.
> I looked around but I cannot tell if this behavior is known (it is a rare
> scenario) and I cannot tell if this is a desired behavior. Perhaps it is.
> thank you for any help,
> gregory evans
> --
> gregory rowland evans, PhD
> http://www.gregoryrowlandevans.com
> https://soundcloud.com/gregory-rowland-evans
> https://www.youtube.com/@GregoryRowlandEvans
> https://github.com/GregoryREvans

gregory rowland evans, PhD

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