On 2024-06-03 10:25 am, Paolo Prete wrote:
Thanks, this is what I was searching for!

Now, for an optimal refinement: is there a way to avoid these curved sides on the arrows and can the segment be attached to the arrows without gaps?

Virtually anything is possible inside of LilyPond's \markup system. Some of the built-in commands could use some more styles and parameters, but that is the joy of open source. All of the code for something like the \arrow-head command is right there.

But pretty much, once you are in a \markup context, the world's your oyster. Start with the more primitive drawing commands and build up your own shapes. Turn those into reusable markup-commands of your own. Some of this may require some Scheme code to achieve, so feel free to reach out if this is not your area of expertise.

-- Aaron Hill

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