I would like to draw lines between fingerings to indicate shifts, pivots, etc. 
on an unfretted string instrument.

Say I have something like the following:

\version "2.24.3"
\relative c' {
    c4-1 d-2

I would like to produce something similar to the following:
I know that this is achievable using markup and \draw-line as specified 
[here](https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/notation/graphic), but as 
changes are made to my project and the spacing between notes changes, I’d have 
to go back and manually tweak all of the coordinates for all of the lines in 
the project, and there will be quite a few. I also need notation like this:

indicating a “fork”, or the use of two different fingers across strings at the 
same “fret”. Is attaching lines like this a supported feature at the moment, 
and if not, does anyone have any ideas on what writing scripts to support this 
behavior would look like?



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