Hi William,
In the following example, I use a section label and a TextScript on a note. I offset the markup text so that it appears inside the staff, but it still makes the section text higher up. I would like to know if it is possible to disable this padding around the TextScript, so that the section label appears directly over the staff without the extra space, the same way as it does when there is no text script.
There are ways to "disable the padding" (a.k.a. have the spacing engine ignore the TextScript). However, it might be just as easy — or maybe even easier? — to simply tweak the X-offset and Y-offset rather than using extra-offset:
%%% SNIPPET BEGINS % ---------- \version "2.25.7" \score { \relative c' { \once \override NoteHead.extra-spacing-width = #'( -6 . 0 ) \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-6 . -3) \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f \sectionLabel "Section label (extra-offset)" \clef alto c2^\markup\whiteout\bold "Text" } } \score { \relative c' { \once \override NoteHead.extra-spacing-width = #'( -6 . 0 ) \once \override TextScript.X-offset = -6 \once \override TextScript.Y-offset = -0.375 \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f \sectionLabel "Section label (X-offset + Y-offset)" \clef alto c2^\markup\whiteout\bold "Text" } } %%% SNIPPET ENDS Hope this helps! Kieren.