
I am an occasional Bb clarinetist and very bad at transposing on the fly.
I would like to create alternative versions of a score based on the value of a 

I have been using variables to hold phrases and sections, but I can't find how 
to test their contents.
I have read about controlling and filtering using tags and I have seen #(if in 
the SATB template and read about \if and \unless, but I can't put it all 
together and do something like (in a pseudo-code example)  ...

Set  a variable "myInstrument" to be "Clarinet"


if "myInstrument" = "Clarinet" {Clarinet notes} else {Score as written notes}


if "myInstrument" = "Clarinet" \include "ClarinetPart.ly" else \include 

If I have understood correctly, tags cannot have numbers in their names, so I 
would like to avoid using tags, if possible.

Thank you

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