Thank you, Jean. Of course! The broader issue for me is that I hadn't
grasped that it was actually a << {...} \\ {...} >> construction in the
newer, simpler format.
I'm so grateful for your help. I was going around in circles, knowing
that the solution had to be something straightforward.
Thanks again,
On 14/05/2024 16:44, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
I've tried placing the new bar in 3 different places on the treble
staff. In the current pdf, the first 2 are commented out and the third
-- which I expected to work -- is active: placement after the >>.
Somehow a spurious bar is inserted, but I don't know where it's coming from.
You have
{ R1 | [...] \bar "!" }
\new Staff \with { alignAboveContext="RH" } { \chimes }
es'4\mp es'4. es'8
but the \chimes takes one measure more than the { R1 | [...] \bar "!" }.
The duration of the << >> expression is the max of the two. Basically,
<< >> waits before *all* subexpressions are exhausted before yielding
back control.
You should simply move the line es'4\mp es'4. es'8 into the { R1 ... }.