Thank you, Timothy, for responding so quickly and explaining the solution in such a clear manner.  Although I've used labelling in other situations before, I still hadn't understood how to apply it here --- and now I do.  Thanks again.


On 12/05/2024 16:37, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
On 12/05/2024 12:41, Archer Endrich wrote:

I've been given a short item to realise in Lilypond and it includes a layout problem that I haven't been able to solve.

Basically, it is a piano piece in which, after a bit, a part for chimes is added:  i.e., another staff above the piano's treble part a few bars in as in my MWE.  I have tried to do this as an ossia staff in  but it produces the result testlayoutB.pdf which starts the chimes part at the beginning of the example, not where I want it to start.

Label your staves and use alignAboveContext (or alignBelowContext) to position the new staff relative to an existing staff.

\version  "2.24.0"

\header {
  title = "Test Layout"

chimes = {
  \once \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \once \omit Staff.Clef
  s1^\markup \italic "Some text here"
  \clef "treble" \time 3/4 bes'2\mp 4

\new PianoStaff
  \new Staff="RH" {
    \time 4/4
    \clef "treble"
    \repeat unfold 2 {d'2 f'2 | g'2 bes'2 | }
      { R1 \stopStaff s2.^\markup \wordwrap { \italic \small "A lot more more text placed in here" } }
      \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext="RH" } { \chimes }

  \new Staff="LH" {
    \time 4/4
    \clef "bass"
    \repeat unfold 20 {g,8[ g,]}
    \time 3/4
    \repeat unfold 12 {g,8[ g,]}

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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