On 5/8/24 10:02 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

Thank you. Yes.

From the NR is it true that I only need this for \cueDuring but not for \quoteDuring?


On 5/8/24 9:36 AM, Pierre-Luc Gauthier wrote:
  \set Score.quotedCueEventTypes = #'(

Does that help ?

Yes.  Does one of those include phrasing slurs?


Le mer. 8 mai 2024, à 12 h 31, Paul Scott <waterhorsemu...@aol.com> a écrit :

    On 5/8/24 9:27 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

    On 5/8/24 9:21 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

    Where are quotedCueEventTypes documented? The index listing
    goes to NR 1.6.3 but I don't see quotedCueEventTyoes.

    NR 1.6.3 says that all event types are quoted by default but
    nothing is mentioned about cues event tyoes.

    I should have added that setting all the quotedCueEvent seems to
    be necessary to get everything included in cues.

    In particular I'm trying to get some phrasing slurs to appear
    in cues.




*Pierre-Luc Gauthier*

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