An LSP server for lilypond would be awesome! I'm using it all the time for 
coding in neovim, and it's a total game changer.


Valentin Petzel, May 06, 2024 at 15:23:
> I’m wondering if the Frescobaldi approach is actually working out. Keep in 
> mind that originally Frescobaldi was just a project for adding support for 
> Lilypond to KATE, then it became a KDE parts solution, then it started to do 
> everything itself for more control. And this means you’ll need to maintain 
> and 
> develop many components for a niche community. Frescobaldi is essentially a 
> full text editor, solely for Lilypond. And I do not think the Lilypond 
> community is the best place for maintaining a whole text editor.
> This also means you get a weird dependency situation which is hard to 
> maintain. Frescobaldi has a lot of qt-independent functionality, including a 
> reduced Lilypond parser and transformation tools and stuff. And it has a lot 
> of 
> interface stuff. This is the part that depends on qt5, and only one component 
> depends on the poppler integration.
> So maybe instead of trying to maintain this collosus of tools it could make 
> sense to split it up into different parts:
> → An LSP server
> → A transformative toolset
> → An editor using these features
> This way no matter what might happen to Frescobaldi, much of the 
> functionality 
> would be still usable. With an LSP server any modern text editor with an LSP 
> client could benefit from understanding Lilypond syntax. And being able to a 
> toolset would make extending editors much more fun.
> And this way the maintainance effort could be split. Maybe the LSP could even 
> become part of Lilypond itself (no need to implement a new parser if you 
> already have one), keeping it always up to date (rather than the always 
> outdated approch we have with Frescobaldi).
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024, 22:37:35 MESZ schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
> > > The technical stuff is way over my head, but this reads like the top-
> > > level description of a GSOC project (in case the mentioned friend
> > > doesn't take the bait)...
> > 
> > GSoC projects are nice for doing focused work on some specific part
> > of the code base. For overhauling just about everything, I'd be a lot
> > more skeptical, especially since there will unavoidably be fallout
> > to deal with afterwards in terms of bugs, and that's less nice to do
> > if the person who did the port isn't available after the summer to
> > do that part of the work.

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