On 05/05/2024 08:17, jsmcwill...@gmail.com wrote:
I enclose a snippet illustrating two problems I am trying to resolve
in a piece containing a melody followed by a Trio section:
1. There is a key signature change before going into the Trio and I
cannot get the cautionary signature, which normally
occurs at the end of a line, to show up properly. The background staff
is missing.
2. I want to have a indentation at the beginning of the Trio matching
the indentation seen at the beginning of the piece.
1. By adding a short spacer rest after the key signature.
2. By putting the sections into two scores with an indented first line.
\version "2.24.0"
\header {
title = "Shortened Lines"
composer = "John McWilliam"
copyright = "Kopierad av John McWilliam. PMRS 2024"
clarinet = \relative c'' {
\key f \major
\time 2/4
bes'8 -\f bes8 bes8 bes8 | % 2
bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 | % 3
a4 -> -\< bes4 -> | % 4
a8 -. -\! r8 r8 d,16 -\p cis16 | %5
\bar "||"
\key es \major \grace s4
\once \omit Score.BarLine
\once \override Score.JumpScript.X-offset = #4
\once \override Score.JumpScript.Y-offset = #-6
\jump \markup \huge "D.S. al Fine poi Trio"
% Continue on new line but with indent matching the above and if
possible with the section heading TRIO in
% that space:
trio = \relative c'' {
\sectionLabel \markup \bold "Trio"
\time 2/4
\key es \major
g'8 -> -\f r8 g8 -. r8 | % 6
g8 -. r8 r4
\bookpart {
\score { \clarinet }
\score { \trio }
Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.