Dirck Nagy <dn...@uwlax.edu> writes:

> Hi all
> I know this is highly unusual, but is there a way to add parentheses
> around the DOT ONLY after the notehead?
> see following image:
> [cid:85851784-8a26-48b0-b2b4-b9a8e03b517c]
> FYI, I have a piece with sequences of octaves.  Every instance has a
> note value of a dotted quarter-note.
> There is, however, one (only one!)  instance where the upper note
> cannot be held the full value, because it would be physically
> impossible to play.  I want to avoid splitting this into separate
> voices because it would clutter up the measure, (would require 4
> separate voices on one staff) and make reading more cumbersome.

Well, the "canonical" incantation expressing just what you want to do
would be

  <e' \single \parenthesize Dots e''>4.

The problem is that this results in the left paren clashing with the
stem.  I haven't found a good fix for moving the dots.  Here is one
attempt at moving the parens instead:

  \tweak Dots.extra-spacing-width #'(.2 . .2)
  <e' \single \parenthesize Dots e''>4.

Wish I could get the actual dots to move, but maybe someone else has an
idea for that.

David Kastrup

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