On Mon, 29 Apr 2024, Kevin Cole wrote:

> "predefined-guitar-ninth-fretboards.ly" get the job done. But on a few
> occasions I've had to resort to studying some online tutorial and
> constructing the diagrams from scratch.

Not a complete solution, but my chord database at

already exposes the Lilypond code for each fretboard diagram in an HTML
comment.  In Firefox, if you right-click and choose "inspect" on a
diagram, then "Edit as HTML" on the enclosing "fretboard-item" div, you
can find the \fret-diagram command and copy out the code for use in your
own Lilypond document.  Most other browsers should be able to do something
similar.  If this is a feature people want and will use, then I can try to
add something to make the source code more visible, most likely a
"lilypond" button to make it visible and copyable without using the
browser's source-viewing tools.

Automatically generating a file of preferred fretboard diagrams for many
chords wouldn't be easy because I don't have a strong sense of which ones
are easiest or preferable to play; I'm not really a guitarist myself.

Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before tribes.

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