Hi Jean,

yeah, I just had the package-manager in gentoo downgrade to the previous
version of snappy, and then filed a bug with gentoo. It's a workaround for

As another workaround, I'm trying to get my latex editor to use
lilypond-book, but since it's on a nonstandard path, I don't seem able to
use it. How do you integrate lilypond-book into a LaTeX toolchain?


N. Andrew Walsh
er/ihn/ihm/sein | he/him/his

On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 12:35 PM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

> > It gets a bit more complicated now. See this bug:
> > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=278633
> >
> > That bug is for freeBSD, but I expect it applies to other
> > distros as well (it certainly applies to gentoo, as I'm
> > getting the exact same error). In short, snappy (an archiver)
> > was updated to version 1.2.0 a few days ago, and it contains
> > symbols that aren't defined in earlier versions.
> Well, new symbols shouldn't be a problem (removed symbols would be,
> if other packages expect them). Based on
> https://github.com/conda-forge/snappy-feedstock/issues/35
> what apparently happened is that the snappy developers released
> 1.2.0 but forgot to update the library soname even though they
> changed function signatures. The lookup of that symbol
> _ZN6snappy11RawCompressEPKcmPcPm
> which is the mangled version of
> snappy::RawCompress(char const*, unsigned long, char*, unsigned long*)
> fails because the new version only has a (mangled) symbol for
> snappy::RawCompress(char const*, unsigned long, char*, unsigned long*,
> snappy::CompressionOptions)
> That's a bug in snappy, and it will affect things other than qtwebengine
> too…
> You should probably ask the Gentoo developers to revert to the previous
> version
> or patch it. There's probably a way to ask the Gentoo package manager
> to downgrade the package, too.

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