On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 2:57 PM Robert Garrigos <rob...@garrigos.cat> wrote:
> This is the original music to copy: > > > > I have this: > > << > { > \change Staff = "upper" \set tieWaitForNote = ##t > \grace {cs'4_~ fs_~ cs'~ s4} <cs, fs cs'>1^\fermata > } > \\ > { > \set tieWaitForNote = ##t > \grace { fs,,4~^\pp\sustainOn cs'~ as'^~ s4*4} <fs,, fs' cs' > as'>1_\fermata > } > >> > Thanks for including some example code, however, what you posted doesn't produce the output you show. So I went back to my original code. I put a slur in the upper grace notes, then used the \shape command to manipulate the slur. I wasn't able to get the end of the slur to go into the lower staff, but it's close. Maybe someone else can improve on it. \version "2.24.3" rightHand = \relative { \set tieWaitForNote = ##t \shape #'((-5 . -7.5) (-4 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0)) Slur \grace { c'4~^( g'~ c~) } <c, g' c>1 } leftHand = \relative { \clef bass \set tieWaitForNote = ##t \grace { f,4~ c'~ a'~ s4 * 3 } <f, c' a'>1 } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "upper" \rightHand \new Staff = "lower" \leftHand >> } -- Knute Snortum