I'm confused. Given the following: %%%%% \version "2.24.3" \language "english"
<< \new Staff { \relative c' { f8 4 f8 f4 8 f8~ | 4 r4 r2 | r2 r8 f8 4 | } } \addlyrics { \lyricmode { This Lit -- tle star -- O -- mine __ | \skip | I said | } } >> %%%%% I get a barcheck warning on the first measure of lyrics. I can resolve it by adding a \skip to the end of the lyrics for the first measure, by removing the bar at the end of the first measure of lyrics, or by removing the third measure completely (both music and lyric). I have 6 notes in the first measure and 6 syllables in the lyrics so I don't understand why I'm getting a barcheck warning, especially because if you take out the third measure of music you don't get the warning. (In all cases the layout is exactly what I'm expecting/wanting). Please help me see the error of my ways. Thanks! -steve Version Info: Lilypond: 2.24.3 Frescobaldi: 3.2 Extension API: 0.9.0 Python: 3.10.12 python-ly: 0.9.6 Qt: 5.15.3 PyQt: 5.15.6 sip: 6.5.1 qpageview: 0.6.2 poppler: 22.2.0 python-poppler-qt: 0.75.0 OS: Linux-5.15.0-102-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35