this part of code:
\new Staff = "sopranoStaff" \with {
midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
instrumentName = "Soprani"
} { \new Voice = "sopranoVoice" { \soprano } }
works well, but the second part:
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "sopStaff" } { \lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse_sup }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse_ru
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse
give me always the same error
that is unable to find the context Voice = sopranoVoice
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "sopranoStaff" } {
\lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse_sup }
and the same for the context Voice = sopranoVoice
for all the \liricsto the other verses...
\new Lyrics
\lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse_ru
so the verses for soprano wont show...
Gian Paolo
21.04.2024, 19:12, "Hans Aikema" <>:
Fixing up my reply... spotted that I had a difference between the name I gave to the staff and the reference to it in the alignAboveContext. Both have now been synchronised to "sopranoStaff" belowOn 21 Apr 2024, at 18:46, Hans Aikema <> wrote:On 21 Apr 2024, at 17:58, Gian Paolo Renello <> wrote:I read as you suggested but didn't find the way. Here is hte piece of score code:\score{\new StaffGroup <<\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "choir aahs"instrumentName = "Soprani"} { \soprano }\addlyrics {\sopranoVerse_sup}\addlyrics { \sopranoVerse_ru }\addlyrics { \sopranoVerse }You can’t use the \addlyrics shortcut when you want to place the lyrics above the staff. You’ll have to use the \new Lyrics construct (as shown in the notation manual) for those lyrics.\score{\new StaffGroup <<\new Staff = "sopranoStaff" \with {midiInstrument = "choir aahs"instrumentName = "Soprani"} { \new Voice = "sopranoVoice" { \soprano } }\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "sopStaff" } { \lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse_sup }\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerse_ru\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranoVoice" \sopranoVerseShould do the trick if I didn’t mess up the syntax (cannot validate as you provided only the opening snippet, but the transition from \addlyrics to \new Lyrics is required to specify the alignAboveContext)\addlyrics is very limited in customisation power, it’s a shorthand for creating the new Lyrics to the preceding voice (the music in between the braces ( {\soprano} ) implicitly creates an unnamed voice. In order to be able to use the \new Lyrics you also need to explicitly create the voice and give it a name to be able to reference it using the \lyricstoall the three texts are printed under soprano staff. But what i need is \sopranoVerse_sup printed over the soprano staff since there are two voices (sop I and II) and the don't sing the same text.Amy idea? the alignabovecontext Staff won't work inside \addlyricstx for your attentionGian Paolo11.04.2024, 18:54, "Hans Aikema" <>:On 11 Apr 2024, at 16:59, Gian Paolo Renello <> wrote:Hi, i have a question:ho can i add a 5th voice (for soprano) in a SATB choral work. The 4 voices are all under the staff. I need the fifth one to be over the Soprano staff while the second soprano voices sings the part under the staff. See attached image. Thank you.There are some examples on lyrics placement documented at your score you would put two voices (Solo and Sopranos) in the Sopranos staffand put the lyrics attached to the Solo above that staff, and the lyrics attached to the Sopranos below it. The location of each lyric can be controlled individually as documented on that page at preferred way is by coding the '\with { alignAboveContext = “<name of the staff>” }` to the Lyrics assigned to the Solo in your piece.HTHHans