On 2024-04-14 8:45 pm, Richard Davis wrote:
Ideally I'd want to be able to anchor specific levels along this spanner
to rhythmic events, perhaps by specifying "levels" of pressure like so:

c4\startBowSpan 0.0 c4\pressure 1.0 c4\pressure 0.5 c4\stopBowSpan 0.0

In my head, whatever implementation this requires would somehow
"collect" these levels and generate the final shape as
necessary. However, I don't know nearly enough scheme to even know where
to begin on this. The reddit contributor to the original did suggest
using DynamicLineSpanners may be more productive, but I also don't quite
understand how to go about that.

Hi, Richard. I was the one helping you on Reddit. I think the best option is to create a custom grob and engraver for this type of notation. In fact, a more generalized continuous controller notation (with MIDI output) would be ideal, and bow pressure could just be one special form. I started investigating going down this path, but I ran into some time constraints due to some personal health issues. But I know there are several folks on the mailing list that have experience with creating custom grobs and engravers. If they have the availability and interest, I am sure they can help get you to a better working solution than the one I threw together.

By the by, my comment about the DynamicLineSpanner was because I consider this type of notation to be akin to any other standard dynamics indication. One would probably want all of these pressure indicators to vertically line up with each other, so I was thinking the Dynamics context would be the eventual home.

-- Aaron Hill

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